Arka Seth
Arka Seth
Technologist. Avid gamer and coder. Nerd maybe. Love to write. Interested in Machine Learning, Cryptography, and Web Development.

Vacations Utilized

Vacations Utilized

After our semester examinations end, we return home for a month or two. Many of the students have already planned everything about how they are going to use this time judiciously, while many are completely in the dark. This article is meant to provide you with some ideas to make good use of this vital time in your college lives.

Create and update your LinkedIn account :

This vacation, remember to update your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a very important platform for professionals and students. Many companies skim through LinkedIn for prospective employees and many job profiles require a LinkedIn account just to apply. Also, don’t forget to upload a professional profile picture.

Make or Update your resume :

This is a great time to update your resume with all of the experience and skills you have inculcated during your journey. Mention your fields of interest, your accomplishments and all the important information adding up to a good CV. Keep it short, keep it sweet! If you don’t have a resume, create one now! It is never too early to have one. Some great free websites for making catchy resumes are, and

Look for Internships:

This is the time when you should look for internship opportunities. Internships are a great way to gain a valuable job or research experience, along with some handy money as well. Go through all the internship options being offered to complement your field of interest and start applying, but do not forget to make a good resume before doing so! A resume plays a big role in the first impression the recruiter has of you.

Sell or Exchange old books:

Are you one among the book lovers? You can utilize this time to sell old books that you don’t need anymore. You’ll gain valuable real estate while also getting some money. Apart from selling you can exchange old books among your friends and relatives and have a good reading experience.

Take up online courses:

Let’s be honest, most of us are hardly learning anything in college classrooms while struggling with boring curriculums. This is the time to learn things that you couldn’t understand in class or even topics that are not there in the curriculum. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, edX, Udacity and Pluralsight are some of the great platforms for learning new skills.

Think out of the box and participate in innovation challenges or hackathons:

This is a great time to highlight and polish your creative side by thinking about new projects and ideas to make our lives and society better. One can participate in innovation challenges and hackathons to project their ideas to the outside world and make great use of this free time.

Conclusion :

Each of us differ in the interests we have and the choices we make. Not all of us want to accomplish the same thing in life. So, this article serves to help you in making a few choices for the betterment of yourself. Other ideas might be learning to cook, spending some time with your family, playing games, going on a trip or just relaxing. Hope you enjoy your vacation!

Note : Utmost care has been taken to credit the original authors/sources and to make these as apt as possible.

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