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Actuation and Legged Locomotion in Robots

In this advancing era of robotics technology, it comes to us as no surprise that soon such captivating automatons will take on becoming an indispensable part of our lives in...

Machine Learning in Medical Diagnosis

Ever wondered how Machine Learning can reduce the work of thousands of people and do a much more efficient job?

Primary steps before diving into Front end development

What is Front-end web development?

Robotics Dresses and Emotional Interfaces

Dresses having microcontroller heartbeats and that they normally get to have batteries for dinner !! How does that sound to you? I wonder what it’s like in your mind’s eye?...

Cloud Computing

In this modern and rapidly advancing digital world, cloud computing has become a necessity not only for businesses but also for individuals living in this interconnected world due to exponentially...

Combating Deepfakes with AI

It won’t be an overstatement to assert that today’s digital world almost solely relies on computers and cyber technologies in nearly every public sphere- from simple one-to-one communication to large-scale...